February 3, 2018
Climbing Wall / Belaying: 10am-12pm, HH School
Make your way to the HH school and participate in the climbing wall, with certified belayers. In addition to climbing there will be games, prizes and nourishments offered.
Carnival Bucks: $100 per participant
Adventure Zone: 1-3pm, Pearkes Centre
Find yourself in the Zone for Adventure with bouncy castles, ping pong table, air hockey, pool table, games and so much more. Bring indoor shoes please.
Carnival Bucks: $100 per participant, $50 if you bring your own hot chocolate mug
AUCTION: 4-6pm, HH Community Hall
All prizes/items will be available for viewing at this time.
Carnival Bucks: $100 per participant, $50 if you bring your own hot choc-olate mug
Dinner: 6-7pm, HH Community Hall
Attend the auction then dine with your neighbours at the community dinner. Dinner will be served to all that attend.
Royal Ball: 7-10pm, HH Community Hall
Feed your hunger at the community dinner, then join us in your fancy dresses at the Hudson’s Hope Family Funderland Dance and Royal Ball. Take a few moments to walk the red carpet. Shake the night away then join us for tea and crumpets after you spin and twist with your favorite people on the dance floor. Dress code is not mandatory, however we do encourage you to dress formal and embrace the sparkle that shines upon the District of Hudson’s Hope as we close #HHFunderland2018.