Zoning & OCP


Zoning provides regulation for various kinds of activities in the community, describing what is acceptable, densities, location, etc. This is intended to prevent incompatible activities from occurring next to each other and conflicting. Zoning is also used to support and preserve the character of a community. Zoning is a collaborative process, created through the voices and input of community members at the same time as the Official Community Plan.

Official Community Plan

The Official Community Plan (OCP) is a comprehensive plan to guide future land use and address related needs for amenities, services, and infrastructure support. The OCP operates in conjunction with the Zoning Bylaw and other municipal bylaws, and guides Council as they consider zoning changes and future projects.

Official Community Plan & Zoning Bylaws

To view or download the most recent Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws and their maps, please visit our bylaws page. A hard copy of the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws are available at District Office for reference.

Official Community Plan & Zoning Amendments

On occasion, changes or updates to current land use, text, or regulations are required. Rezoning or OCP amendments may be an option for you if the land use zone does not allow the type of development you are considering. All rezoning and OCP amendment applications require Council approval. To find out if rezoning is an option you can contact the Corporate Officer.