All day
December 1, 2020 – December 12, 2020
Drop of your new or lightly used toys or gift cards in the labelled bins throughout Hudson's Hope!
In response to the trying times some of us are facing financially, the RCMP, District of Hudson's Hope, Friends of Hudson's Hope have partnered together with the generous folks in our Community to present families with children ages 0-18 years with the opportunity to receive gifts for their children and teens. Mr. Beam, principal of HHESS has volunteered to record registrations. Please email him the registration information below or drop off the form with Patti at the thrift store. Registration is completely confidential, information will only be shared with Mr. Beam and the Friends of Hudson's Hope. Our hope is that this program will take some of the holiday pressure off parents or grandparents and make Christmas just a little brighter for kids in Hudson's Hope.