Administration Department

The District of Hudson’s Hope Administration Department works together to ensure that services are provided to the residents of the District of Hudson’s Hope through the leadership of Mayor and Council. Administrative staff implement Council policies to ensure the municipality meets its long term goals and short term objectives.

The Chief Administrative Officer is responsible to Council for the efficient management of the municipal workforce and ensuring Council’s directions and policies are carried out. The CAO often acts as Council’s representative in negotiations with governments, businesses or property owners and is called upon to give management advice to Council.

Crystal Brown, CAO
250-783-9901 Ext. 212

Corporate Administration

The Corporate Administration Department is responsible for the organization of Council agenda; keeping minutes of Council meetings; preparation of bylaws; the safekeeping of municipal records; the provision of information to the public; and employment services for the municipality.

The Corporate Administration department also completes correspondence on Council’s behalf and is responsible for the publication of official notices. If you wish to make an appointment to appear as a delegation at a Council meeting, please make arrangements to do so through the Corporate Administration Department at  250-783-9901, or

Andrea Martin, CO
250-783-9901 Ext 201