July 1, 2017
Canada’s Birthday Party Sat July 1st at the Hudson’s Hope Pool Park. 11am-4pm
Schedule of events
- 11am—Anthem & Opening Remarks
- 11:30—Special 150th Celebration Group photo (come with your biggest smiles and wear your red and white with pride)
- 11:45— Cake Cutting
- 12pm— HH Lions Club van unveiling
- 12:30-4pm—Kids activities & face painting
- 11-4— Lions Club BBQ
- 11-4— Live Entertainment
- 11-4—Teddy Bear Clinic (bring your teddy bear to the ambulance paramedic)
- 11-4—Free Swim @ HH Pool
Watch for Canada Day Event updates on the DOHH Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hudsons.hope.bc
Hudson’s Hope has Talent! If you have a talent you would like to perform at this celebration please contact : Emily Nusse at 250-783-9901 or email sec@hudsonshope.ca.