May 17, 2024
During the May 27, 2024, Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting, Council will be discussing the proposed District of Hudson’s Hope Water Conservation Bylaw No. 947, 2024. The purpose of the bylaw is to provide a mechanism for Council to enforce water conservation to control demand at the water treatment plant for the preservation of the Community Water System.
Following a decline in aquifer water quality in 2022 and a “Do Not Consume” order issued in August 2022, the wells serving the District of Hudson’s Hope’s water treatment plant were taken out of service and replaced by temporary pumps placed in the Peace River to extract the higher quality surface water for use in the District’s potable water supply system, and a temporary treatment system was constructed.
The temporary water treatment plant has been successfully delivering surface water to the community since February 2023, however, it does come with its challenges. An integral part of the temporary treatment plant is the rental of a ballasted flocculation clarifier that was commissioned in April 2023. The clarifier pre-treats the water reducing the turbidity to acceptable levels prior to filtration and disinfection. The clarifier has a firm capacity of 720 cubic metres per day but can effectively treat up to 1250 cubic metres per day if river turbidity conditions remain within practical limits for the treatment process to remain effective. Typical water usage for the District of Hudson’s Hope within the spring and summer months is twice the recommended guidelines for the clarifier, pushing the clarifier to its limits.
The District is also facing a number of other issues that are making it challenging to keep up with water demands, including drought conditions, river levels, algae growth, reservoir capacity of treated water, aging infrastructure, and pool use.
Key changes to the proposed bylaw include a staged approach to water restrictions based on time of year and typical seasonal water demand trends, precipitation and temperature conditions and forecasts, storage levels of the District Reservoir and draw down rates, current drought levels, and any other factor Councils considers to be relevant such as limitations on the ability to process water through the temporary water treatment plant or emergency situations.
Members of the public are encouraged to submit written comments or attend the COW Meeting if you have any questions or concerns. Written comments to be included in the agenda package for consideration by Council, shall be submitted to by 3:30 pm on May 24, 2024. Copies of the draft bylaws along with the staff report, can be viewed online in the May 6 2024, agenda, available here.
For more information, please contract:
Crystal Brown
Chief Administrative Officer