Category: Public Notice

DOHH Notice of Public Hearing

District of Hudson’s Hope Notice of Public Hearing

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 6:00 pm

District Council Chambers

August 30, 2024

Public Notice

Pursuant to Section 465 of the Local Government Act RSBC 2015, notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing, to be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 6:00 pm in Council Chambers at the District Office, 9904 Dudley Drive Hudson’s Hope BC.


This Public Hearing being held to consider;

  • District of Hudson’s Hope Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 953, 2024


On June 24, 2024, Council adopted Zoning Bylaw No. 949, 2024, reflecting required amendments related to the implementation of Bill 44 Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023, which came into force on December 7, 2023. During the process of preparing Zoning Bylaw No. 949, 2024, it was noted that Bylaw 853, 2015, which rezoned a parcel north of Canyon Drive from P2 Parks and Open Space to RU1 Rural Residential, was given all four readings at the September 14, 2015, Council meeting, thereby making it procedurally invalid.


As part of the process for bylaw pertaining to land use, public notices and/or public hearings were required and thus, all four readings should not have occurred in one day.

When the error associated with Bylaw No. 853, 2015 was noted, Staff began working to remedy this error. Through conversations with the District’s legal counsel, the recommended course of action was as follows:

  • Revert the zoning for the parcels identified as:
    • Lot 1 Section 24 Township 81 Range 26 West of the Sixth Meridian Peace River District Plan EPP57145 (PID #029-729-581); and
    • Lot 2 Section 24 Township 81 West of the Sixth Meridian Peace River District Plan EPP57145 (PID #029729599)

back to P2 Parks and Open Space for Zoning Bylaw 949, 2024.

  • Prepare a new Zoning Amendment Bylaw that would proceed to Council once Zoning Bylaw No. 949, 2024 was adopted that would rezone the above-noted parcel from P2 Parks and Open Space to RU1 Rural Residential; and
  • As part of the adoption process of the new Zoning Amendment Bylaw, hold a public hearing.

All persons who believe their interest in property may be affected by the proposed bylaw and wish to register an opinion may do so by:

  • Appearing before Council at the said Public Hearing; and/or
  • Forwarding written submissions for Council’s consideration, prior to 12:30 pm Wednesday, September 4, 2024 to District of Hudson’s Hope, P.O. Box 330, Hudson’s Hope BC, V0C 1V0 or email:


A Message from Mayor Travous Quibell – Assent Vote


July 17, 2024


The District of Hudson’s Hope would like to thank residents for your efforts in reducing water usage for nonessential activities. Your cooperation has been instrumental in maintaining our water reservoir above 85%.

However, the recent higher than normal temperatures combined with periods of low water flows in the river, have posed significant challenges in operating our temporary water treatment plant and maintaining our water reservoir levels.

Didymo is a filamentation strain of algae present in the Peace River. During periods of low river flows, the algae is drawn into the intake screens, preventing the pumps from being able to draw the volume of the water needed for the community from the river to the treatment plant. This has resulted in several shutdowns throughout the week. In addition, we are still experiencing significant water usage in several areas throughout the community, and our clarifier is running at maximum capacity.

District staff are working overtime to monitor the plant to prevent damage to the system. The District has engaged the services of divers to remove the build up from the intake screen. This work is scheduled to be completed this weekend.

To ensure the continued availability of water for essential needs, the District once again requests your immediate cooperation in conserving water and minimizing non-essential usage until further notice. Your participation is vital to the sustainability of our water supply.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and collaboration as we work diligently to resolve this situation promptly.


Thank you
District of Hudson’s Hope